Channel: Mrs Midwest
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: mrs. midwestfeminine familymrs.midwestyoung marriagehow to maturefemininechristian lifestyletraditional lifestylehomemakingtraditional relationshipslife glow upglow upgetting married youngmodestymarriagefemininityenneagrammrsmidwestfeminine livingancestral eatinghousewifemrs midwestmaturitytraditional livingfaith vloggerfaith youtubertraditionalismchristian youtubergratitudefeminine womenhomemaker
Description: Hello my friend! Today we are unpacking the 13 ways that I live counter-culturally. I made this video to shed some light on my personal beliefs, values, and lifestyle, in light of our modern times. I often find myself out of sync with the current way of life, and I thought... why not share this with all of you! Traditional lifestyles might be less common, but I still believe it's important for us to respect our differences, and maybe learn about the different ways other people live! I hope you enjoy learning more about me, and don't forget to let me know below what's similar or different about your life! Enjoy! ♥ LINKS Enneagram - ♥ WHERE TO FIND ME Read my blog - Instagram - Shop my life - Pinterest - Twitter - ♥ MUSIC JOAKIM KARUD Music from Track - "Classic" - _________________________________ Thank you so much for watching. I post videos 2 times a week, but if you're hungry for more of this content, please check out my blog! I write 2 times a week, and always take time to discuss femininity, character growth, and of course... homemaking tips! Xoxo! #femininefamily #traditionalliving